Mr. Lindokuhle Thanduyise Zulu, from Gamalakhe Southern Coast of KZN who is a Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Unity And Interaction Foundation was born on the 8th May 1997. He is a member of the EDHE student entrepreneurship Community of Practice(CoP)within Mangosuthu University of Technology purposed to mobilize the national student and graduate resource to create successful enterprises that will ultimately lead to both wealth and job creation, he is amongst student representatives of MUT who entered for the EDHE student entrepreneurship intervarsity competition that was held in May and successfully won the internal rounds that were held at the MUT North Campus in his category of entry: Social Impact Existing Business. The competition or rather program initiative is intended to develop the entrepreneurial capacity of students and leaders. The goal is to direct students towards success in terms of becoming economically active during and post tertiary education. The Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education(EDHE) intervarsity competition encourages and supports student entrepreneurship across the 26 public universities of SA, where student entrepreneurs are invited to submit their innovative ideas and existing business plans for the unique opportunity. this initiative is aimed at identifying the top student entrepreneurs in each university, showcase their businesses and invite investment into the cohort of start-ups. In the process, universities are given an opportunity to demonstrate their talent and how they support and grow the in-line generation of business leaders. Mr. Zulu was privileged and honored to attend the annual EDHE Lekgotla 2022 hosted by the Nelson Mandela University from 19 July - 21 July at Port Elizabeth, EC.
The young and energetic Mr. Zulu went on to be nominated the following month(June 2022) into the top 20 list of finalists for JCI South Africa's 2022 Ten Outstanding Young Persons of SA(TOYPSA) awards, through support of his institution of study populace, friends and family, he secured a spot as one of the ten award ceremony honorees to receive his award as Humanitarian And /Or Voluntary Leadership. For the young and inevitably active Mr. Zulu above all else that had took place on the day of the JCI South Africa TOYP Awards, was his announced and applauded ambassadorship appointing to be signed for by Play Your Part South Africa.
About Play Your Part
"Play Your Part is a nationwide initiative created to inspire, empower and celebrate active citizenship in South Africa. It aims to lift the spirit of our nation by inspiring all South Africans to contribute to positive change, become involved and start doing. A nation of people who care deeply for one another and the environment in which they live is good for everyone." said Mr. Zulu
The young nationally recognized leader further explained that Play Your Part is said to aim at all South Africans from corporates and individuals, NGO's and government, churches, and schools, from young to not-so-young. It aims at encouraging South Africans to use some of their time, money, skills or goods to contribute to a better future for all and Brand SA the official marketing agency of South Africa, with a mandate to build the country's brand reputation in order to improve its global competitiveness. Brand SA's primary focus is to develop and implement proactive, coordinated marketing and communications reputation management strategies for SA. The main objective is to market South Africa to both domestic and international audiences, positioning and presenting South Africa as a competitive investment destination also inspiring and instilling active citizenship amongst South Africans.
In celebrating the three years of existence and hard work of our foundation Unity And Interaction Foundation(est. August 2020), we are proud and honored that this month has become a double milestone celebratory month as it also is the month of Mr. Zulu's graduation. We congratulate Mr. Zulu for completing his Diploma in Marketing at Mangosuthu University of Technology where many of his childhood discovered yet developed talents and skills were shaped and implemented timely, leading to such reputable achievements through his initiative of co-founding and directing the progressive foundation. We say thank you for your voluntary leadership, dedication and leading by example. Unity And Interaction Foundation wishes you uttermost blessings on your current and future endeavors.
United We Stand Divided We Fall
Bringing Back The Spirit Of Ubuntu
Lead us well Unity❤️🙏